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Karl Weick information theory

Research Based on the Organizational Information Theory Karl Weick task to manage large amounts of information is a challenge for public organizations . When our choices for communication channels increases , the number of messages we send and receive , as well as the speed increases we send the message anyway . Organization is not only faced with the task of deciphering the message received , but also face the challenge of determining who should receive such information in order to achieve organizational goals . New media is able to make the company completed their goals in a variety of ways that have never been seen before. Video conferencing , teleconferencing , chat rooms , e - mail , and interactive television allows people like Dominique to provide the opportunity for his team to simultaneously share and react to a lot of information . Each team is given the opportunity to decide what information is important for the job or ask for additional information that will be needed in the future . Sometimes the information is received by an organization is ambiguous . Some theorists use the metaphor of the organizational communication system to describe an organization's life . As a living system in a process involved in activities that maintain the function and existence . An organization must have procedures to deal with all the information that must be sent and received in achieving its goals . Just like the system , the organization team consists atasorang and interconnected . They rely on each other to fulfill their goals . Karl Weick develop an approach to develop a process by which organizations collect , manage , and use information that they receive . Instead of focusing attention on the organizational structure in terms of roles and rules that direct the members of the organization . Weick emphasizes the process of organizing . Thus , the main focus is on the exchange of information that occurs within the organization and how members take steps to understand this . Weick ( 1995 ) believes that " the organization was talking to himself " (p. 281 ) . The purpose of this statement is the members of the organization are pentiung in the creation and maintenance of the meaning of the message . Weick see the organization as a system that takes a confusing or ambiguous information from the environment and making the information makes sense . By karenannya , according to the theory of information organization , the organization will evolve as long as they try to understand themselves and their environment . Rather than focusing on the role of the only Constant is Change ( in Organization ) Weick first introduce a theoretical approach that explains how organizations understand and use the information in his book The Social Psychology of Organizing ( 1909) . Terorinya focuses on the process through which an organization in an effort to understand all the information that bombards them every day . Often the process cause changes padaorganisasi and its members . Weick even say " organizations and their environments change rapidly so it is not realistic to show - like what they are today, because they will not stay that way later " (1969 , p 1 ) Focus on the theory of organizational information is important for the communication of information success of an organization . Very rarely a person or a department within an organization has all the important information in completing a project . This knowledge usually comes from various sumberakan However , the task of information processing is not carried out only by means of information theory , the hardest part is to interpret and distribute the information obtained . General Systems Theory to explain the influence of environmental information from outside the organization and to determine the influence of the organization , Weick applying General Systems Theory . Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1968 ) is a researcher most associated with the system approach . Von Bertalanffy believed that the overall pattern and in all types of different types of phenomena , therefore , he stated that when he received a disturbance in one part of the system , then it will affect the whole system . There is a pattern of interaction between the parts kompleksdi system , and understanding this interaction will help us understand the overall system.teori General Systems are particularly useful in understanding the interconnectedness that exists among the various units of the organization . Organizations often consist of departments , teams , or groups. Although these units are focused on independent tasks . Goals of the organization as a whole requires the sharing and integration of information by each team needs to find solutions and conclusions . Organization depends on the combined information so they can make an important penyusuaian to achieve the goal . They may require additional information , they may need to send information to other departments within an organization , or they may require external consultants to understand the information . If a team fails to understand the information needed to fulfill the obligation to fulfill a project , the ultimate goal is likely to be delayed for a whole oprgtanisasi . Important component of the General Systems Theory , and a major in the understanding of information in an organization , is the feedback information received by an organization and by its members . It's important to remember that this information can be positive or negative nature . Organization and its members can choose to use the information to maintain the current state of the organization or may decide to initiate some changes in accordance with the objectives sought to be achieved by a system . Flip through the feed units can determine whether the information is being sent clear and sufficient to obtain the desired goal . Organization's decision to request or provide feedback descri , Barkan a selective choice made ​​in an effort to achieve group goals. If an organization forward and achieve its objectives , the organization is important and reduces the lack pastiannyamengenai best way to achieve their goals , this process reflects the Darwinian approach of how organizations manage information , which will be discussed later . Darwin's Theory of Evolution Sociocultural Perspectives both have been used to describe the process by which organizations collect and understand information is the theory of sociocultural evolution . The end goal of any organization is to survive and humans working to find the best strategy to stay alive . Although this approach is used to describe the social interactions that occur within an organization in order to meet the information , but this theory was originally derived from the field of biological sciences . Theory of evolution theory was originally developed to describe the adaptation process through which living organisms in order to fight the ecological environment filled with challenges , Charles Darwin (1948 ) describes this adaptation in the form of mutations that allow the organism to deal with the surrounding environment . Campbell (1965 ) extends this theory to clarify the process by which organizations and their members adapt to their surrounding social conflict . Sociocultural evolution theory study changes in their social environment to adapt to changes in their social environment . Three stages are involved in this process : people notice the difference , or variations , in the norms of behavior they expect and respect that is owned by someone else for their performance . As a result of the variation of the norm , they see the possible options and choose the behavior that is most acceptable to the group . Once a predetermined acceptable behavior , people will tend to maintain these behaviors and apply them to the next interaction . Weick adapt sociocultural theory of evolution to explain the process through which organizations in adapting to various pressure information . These pressures may be a result of excess information or ambiguity . Although useful in describing dendekatan evolutionary adaptation necessary for information processing, system theory is also an important part , because this theory emphasizes the interdependence between organizational team . Information Theory Organization Theory Assumptions organiosasi information is one way to describe His how organizations make the information confusing and ambiguous to be reasonable . This theory focuses on the process of organizing members of the organization to manage the information from the focus on the structure of the organization itself . A number of basic assumptions of this theory : 1 . Human organizations exist in an environment of information 2 . Information received by a different organization in terms ketidakjelasannya 3 . Human organizations involved in processing information to reduce information obscurity . Oertama assumption states that organizations rely on information in order to function effectively and achieve their goals . Weick (1979 ) looked at the concept of information environment as something different from the physical environment in which the organization is located. He stated that the information environment is created by members of the organization . The second assumption is filed Weick on the ambiguity of the information . Different messages in terms of the extent to which they can be understood . Each organization must determine the extent to which members are more aware and experienced in dealing with the critical information obtained . The third assumption in this theory states that the organization started in co-operation activities to make the information received can be better understood . Weick (1979 ) sees the process of reducing uncertainty as a joint activity between members of the organization . This is not meruopakan responsibility of one person alone to reduce ambiguity . Key concepts and Conceptualizing Information Theory and organizational information Weick contains a number of key concepts that are crucial in understanding this theory . These concepts include environmental information , unclear information , rules , and cycles . Each of these processes will be explained in detail . Environmental Information : Number of Total Environmental information is a core concept in understanding how the organization was formed and also how they process informasi.organisasi has two major tasks that must be implemented to successfully manage a variety of information : 1 . They must interpret external information that is in the information environment 2 . They should mengordinasikan information to make it meaningful to the members of the organization and objectives of the organization . Obscurity Information As stated earlier , depending on the organization and receive large amounts of information . The challenge lies in the ability of the organization to understand the information received . Organization receives information from a variety of sources : they have to interpret the information and determine whether the information can be understood tersebuat , people or departments are most able to take care of this information , and whether the various departments need this information to complete the goal . Weick naturan about providing examples of which can cause an organization to choose a single cycle feedback information or other disbandingkan to reduce vagueness messages . These rules include the duration , personnel , and business keberhailan . When a memiloh 's organizations to make use of a communication plan that has proven effective in the past in reducing uncertainty information , Reducing Ambiguity : Trying To Using process information to reduce uncertainty is complex . According to Weick (1995 ) , the organization evolved through three phases in an attempt to interpret the rules and cycles so that the information can be understood more easily and become more meaningful . Uncertainty reduction process is essentially an interpersonal process and going through the following stages : enactment , selection, and retention . Enactment : Creating Your Environment Enactment refers to how the information will be received and diinterpresatasikan by the organization . At this stage , the organization must analyze the inputs it receives to determine the amount of uncertainty that exists and to give meaning to the information . The rules will be bdilihat back in decisions about how the organization will address the ambiguity that. Selection : Interpret Input After using a variety of organizations to interpret the rules and input a new cycle in the information environment , organizations must analyze what he knew and chose the best method to get additional information to reduce uncertainty . This stage is called the selection or " retrospective understanding " . In tahapanini , groups are required to make decisions regarding rules and cycles to be used . Retengensi : Remember the Small Things After reviewing the organization's ability to deal with ambiguity , the organization will analyze the effectiveness of the rules and engage in a cycle of communication and retention . In the retention phase , organizations store information for later use . This stage requires the organization to see what must be addressed or what should be ignored or abandoned . If certain rules or cycle is useful in reducing uncertainty , it is possible that the rule or the cycle will be used to steer the organization in keputusab on future regarding similar issues .


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