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Funding and Marketing Development Project Mega Tol Jakarta-Surabaya Sea Traffic


A total of 19 SOE initiated to build toll roads over the sea along the North Coast of Java ( coast) along the 775 Km . Public Works Minister Djoko Kirmanto respond about plans mega project facilitated the State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan . The project is estimated to swallow Rp 150 trillion aimed at accelerating the development of the project so as not constrained by land acquisition that had been experienced by the Trans Java toll road project , which is located overland ( Jakarta - Surabaya ) .
The projected toll road along the 775 kilometers will be built on land and sea along the north coast of Java. Chairman of the consortium toll on sea Jakarta - Surabaya , which is also president director of PT Jasa Marga Tbk , Adityawarman explained , is in line with the construction of toll roads dense coast . 19 SOEs antaralaian Jasa Marga , Adhi Karya , Waskita Karya , Wijaya Karya , Housing Development , Abipraya Brantas , Istaka Works , II IPC , IPC III , Cement Indonesia , Krakatau Steel , Bank Mandiri , BNI , BRI , BTN , Social Security and TASPEN .
State Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan requested that momentum and excitement builds over the ocean Bali toll not just disappear. Dahlan had the idea to build a toll road over the sea from Jakarta to Surabaya . PN 's former CEO believes this project can be worked with SOE mob system . Dahlan gave about 6 months time to the state to conduct a study before the proposed permit and other . In terms of capital , we are a strong bank , Mandiri , BRI , all powerful banks from state-owned fund ini.Kontraktor very strong work .
According to Djoko , the idea dipinggil marine highway construction is indeed good , but the assessment must be done first. Jasa Marga as party leader of the project consortium takes 6 months for review . Ironically , until now the progress of land acquisition Trans Java toll has reached 78.1 % . Funds have been used for land acquisition along the 477 KM worth Rp 4.51 trillion . " Trans - Java ranging from Cikopo palimanan to Surabaya - Mojokerto minus Pemalang - Batang , Batang - Semarang 114.2 Kilometers in length 78.1 per cent progress , " said Deputy Director of Land Acquisition Directorate General of Highways, Ministry of Public Works , Ahmad Marzuki Herry some time ago .
If the two projects had been so constructed , then the Trans Java toll road network with toll on the northern coast the sea will be parallel position . The difference , Trans Java toll on the land while the state-owned toll idea 19 runs in the Java Sea coast . Following the successful development of the expressway over the sea in Bali ( Bali Mandara Tol ) , as many as 19 state-owned companies to build toll on sea inspired Jakarta - Surabaya . Construction of this highway is expected to cost Rp 150 trillion .
As an initial step , a feasibility study will be carried out for six months . This was followed by a proposal funded project , proposed and carried out by the state filed regulator.Perusahaan central SOEs had the upper hand after being touted because successful build toll roads over the Bali sea . Expressways connecting Tanjung Benoa - Ngurah Rai - Nusa Dua can be done in a way keroyokan state in a short time .

marketing strategy

The first matter of land acquisition problems that have been the scourge of infrastructure development in Indonesia.Dengan expressway built above the sea , the land acquisition is no longer a constraint .
The second is the background , the success of a consortium of state-owned companies build toll Bali Mandara ( Benoa - Nusa Dua ) along 12.7 km to 19 encouragement SOE wanted to carve the same success on the toll road Jakarta - Surabaya sea .
Meanwhile, Head of Public Communication Center ( Kapuskom ) Ministry of Public Works , Danis H. Sumadilaga explain statutory No. . 38 in 2004 and 15 PP 2015 , so businesses should propose new toll roads including toll above sea Jakarta - Surabaya . toll roads over the sea are solutions to problems of land acquisition . Experience so far , the project builder Trans Java Toll hampered land issues .

The highway is very useful , because it can speed up access in Java so it will be equitable and accelerated development 


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